How Positude® Helps Shorapur Put Her Best Hoof Forward

May 13, 2019 - Wellington, FL

Grand prix rider Kevin Babington has seen positive results after putting Shorapur on the all-natural hormone supplement Positude®.
Photo by Éce Equestrian Apparel
Photo by Aaron Glanzberg

Shorapur is a winner, having taken the top check in grand prix competitions across the country with Kevin Babington and also representing Ireland in Nations Cup events. She’s a talented and experienced jumper, but the 14-year-old Hanoverian is also very much the stereotype of a mare.

“When you put your leg on, she’ll sometimes lean in and go against your leg instead of moving away from it. She’s that type of mare,” Babington said. “Any time you have to put any kind of added pressure on her, she pins her ears. And when she’s resisting, her canter gets quite short and stabby.”

Babington’s barn manager, Elizabeth Sponseller, has seen good success using Equine Elixirs’ gut health supplement Ulceraser® on horses in Babington’s barn for the last two years, so when Equine Elixirs debuted Positude®, a liquid, oral, hormone support supplement, earlier this year, she encouraged Babington to try it. Since integrating Positude® into their program, Babington and Sponseller have seen a marked change in the horses on the product, including Shorapur.

“I noticed a big difference in Shorapur,” Babington said. “I think a lot of the stabby canter comes from anxiety, and I feel the quality of her canter is better because she’s allowing me to ride her now. She’s definitely much better to ride. Even the grooms noticed that on the ground, her mannerisms are quite a bit better. She wasn’t pinning her ears as much; she wasn’t as fussy about putting her blankets on.”

Made from highly concentrated leaf, berry, and root extracts, Positude® is an all-natural, affordable, and long-term solution for helping maintain hormonal balance and consistent temperament in horses. Its liquid form, fed twice daily, provides a safe, convenient and consistent delivery system. Positude® is more effective than other products made from powders because extracts contain only concentrated active ingredients, while powders include inactive and inert elements, resulting in a less effective product. Daily inclusion of Positude® as a top-dress over feed allows for a consistent delivery unlike weekly or monthly injections of Depo-Provera, which result in hormonal fluctuations and peaks and troughs of effectiveness. Positude® contains no prohibited substances and is safe for showing under USEF and FEI rules.

Sponseller runs Babington’s barn and notes that Shorapur is “the definition of a mare. She’s cranky!” she said. “But once she’s been on the Positude®, she’s much easier to be around, and Kevin notices a big difference when he rides her.”

“We have another mare who’s very much the same—always grumpy and hard to deal with. She’s like a different horse, too. They’re both so much easier to deal with in the barn. They seem much happier. The geldings that we put on it seem to be better, too. We have one gelding who could be quite mean, and he’s much happier now,” Sponseller continued.

“We tried a lot of horses on it and I’ve had very good results. I have a number of geldings on it as well. I highly recommend it,” Babington said.

Babington is a grand prix show jumper who represented Ireland at the 2002 World Equestrian Games and the 2004 Athens Olympic Games and helped Ireland win team gold at the 2001 European Championships. He trains about 15 horses out of his Kevin Babington, LLC, in Gwynedd Valley, PA, and Wellington, FL.

Babington produces his own line of forage-based feeds out of his Babington Mills company and believes Equine Elixirs’ all-natural supplements complement his feeding program. “We’re very conscious about what the horses are eating,” Babington said. “I have five or six horses in my barn that show FEI, and it’s important for us that if we’re using something, it has to be FEI-safe. And I have confidence in the ingredients of the Equine Elixirs products.”

In terms of ease of everyday use, Sponseller is thrilled with Equine Elixirs’ product. “Using the Positude® is very easy; I just give each horse a pump dose in their feed, and they eat it right up,” she said.

A 30-ounce bottle of Positude™, which is a 30-day supply, costs just $49.99, and auto-ship options are available. Find out more and order both Positude™ and Ulceraser® online at

Equine Elixirs leads the field in all-natural, equine supplements to ensure the health of the horse. Ulceraser®, a forage-based supplement for gastric health and ulcer prevention, and Positude®, an orally administered proprietary blend providing hormonal support, are all-natural, effective, and affordable solutions for improving horse health. Tidbits™ are a portable, convenient gastric-health solution in treat form. Learn more at and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.